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Cancel culture on universities

© 24 July 2020 Marthijn Uittenbogaard

The term 'cancel culture' is new. You read more and more articles about people under fire in universities for a 'wrong' opinion. They have to be 'canceled'. Some students demand that they must be fired. And the mass media fuels the 'discussion' in such a way, that universities feel the need to take some sort of action.


Bret Weinstein

The Evergreen faculty, located in Washington (USA) has a decades-old tradition, the so called Day of Absence. This day, people of color can voluntarily stay away. This to highlight their contributions to the college. In 2017 the faculty decided to change it around and to let white people stay away. This was not compulsory but it was highly recommended. Weinstein did not feel comfortable about this and his alarm bells went off. He wrote a letter to the Evergreen faculty: "There is a huge difference between a group or coalition deciding to voluntarily absent themselves from a shared space in order to highlight their vital and underappreciated roles... and a group encouraging another group to go away. The first is a forceful call to consciousness, which is, of course, crippling to the logic of oppression. The second is a show of force, and an act of oppression in and of itself."

Students protested against Weinstein and called him a racist. Not everyone was against Bret Weinstein but in the mass media it looked like he was almost standing alone. Especially people against him were in the media. And some people always show different faces under such circumstances: supportive of him but in the mass media against him... In the end he had to resign but he could get a settlement were he got $500.000 from The Evergreen State College.

This case of Bret Weinstein is nowadays an example of the ever growing politically correctness on universities, where some people think universities should be save havens. Not only concerning violence, which no one can have a problem with, but also concerning 'concerning' ideas. But universities should challenge the mind. They must defend and bring different viewpoints to the students. Unfortunately, universities are like student factories: they produce students with a degree and their imago is more important than science itself!

But did the cancel culture start just a few years ago or do we have some pedophile examples. In other words: can we do the pedo litmus test? Yes, of course.

Bruce Rind

[Quote:] "In 1998, he [Bruce Rind of Temple University (USA)] analyzed 59 previous studies of college students who had been sexually abused as children. His findings challenged the conventional wisdom that such abuse always causes intense harm. But the backlash from politicians and the media was so furious that Rind has abandoned research in the field. 'Even data that I had collected before the attacks went on hold,' Rind said in an e-mail exchange. 'The funding situation and media treatment obviously favor only research on socially sensitive issues that aims at confirming the prevailing opinion. Researchers who don't conform to this can pay a price. Real science, though, needs both attempts at confirming and at disconfirming,' he continued. 'A big problem in research, then, on socially controversial topics is self-censorship, which we do to avoid being censured.'" [1]

[Another quote:] "In 2005, a book by a major publisher, which contained another scholarly article by Rind, was withdrawn by that publisher (Hayworth) because of protests from fundamentalist Christians. Other gay writers like William Herdt and John DeCecco who researched sexual outlaw behavior in the U.S. (DeCecco) or intergenerational sexuality in non-western cultures (Herdt) simply moved on to other topics. This did not keep DeCecco from experiencing extreme persecution--while a Professor in San Francisco he had to hire bodyguards to protect him from right-wing attackers." [2]

If I remember correctly, Bruce Rind was also attacked physically on the university campus by feminist protesters. He left (fled?) the USA to go to Leipzig University in Germany.

Rüdiger Lautmann

But Germany has also problems with the political correctness virus on universities. Around the turn of the century (2001) Rüdiger Lautmann had to retire from the University of Bremen. This sociology professor was attacked by students because of his writings about pedophilia. His book Die Lust am Kind is seen by students as controversial. The university made the choice to stab him in the back and 'canceled' him.

Theo Sandfort

In 1997 Theo Sandfort and the Utrecht University (NL) won a court case against some media (a magazine and a television program). [3] The media suggested that Sandfort, who worked as a psychologist researcher at the Utrecht University, was whitewashing sexual abuse of children with his studies. Sandfort 'fled' The Netherlands to find a job at the Columbia University (USA). But he never touched the subject sexual contacts between children and grown ups again. I once mailed him if he wanted to be - with me - interviewed for Dutch television, but he wrote that the hysteria on this topic is far too high to be able to debate it in a proper way without terrible consequences.

Thomas Hubbard

Last year in December Thomas Hubbard from the University of Texas at Austin (USA), was attacked by students because of his writings about pederasty in ancient Greek society. "There was a brick thrown his window, slanderous graffiti spray-painted on his Austin home's facade, and a mob attack that forced him from his home under police escort." [4]

Gert Hekma

Gert Hekma in the Netherlands was told by the leaders of the University of Amsterdam (NL) that he no longer was allowed to speak about the subject pedophilia and they ordered him to go to a coach to improve his behavior. This was after uproar in the media in 2007 about his remarks on this subject. Students from his university started a petition that he had to shut up. Two straight girls together with three friends, even tried to break into his home and he had to call the police. He wrote me in an email that he would ignore the university ban to speak out about pedophilia. But I'm sure all this media attention and stabbing in the back by his own university made him more afraid to speak out on this topic. Gert Hekma also received many death threats. [5]

Richard Yuill

"In 2004, Richard Yuill, a doctoral student at the University of Glasgow (Scotland), was accused of "playing into the hands" of paedophiles because his thesis described positive sexual experiences between children and adults. Glasgow decided not to publish it." [6] At that time a British tabloid wrote a hateful article about Yuill and they proposed to go to his home and slap him in the face, which people actually did.

Susan Clancy

Susan Clancy left Harvard University in America for Nicaragua. To be precise: the Central American Business Administration Institute in Managua.

[Quote:] "When Rogers asks Clancy about how she was treated back at Harvard when she first proposed her controversial work on the myths of the sex abuse industry, she said: "It's bad enough I moved to Nicaragua. When I was at Harvard - the peak of my career, at the university you want to be, surrounded by all the people who were the titans in the field - there was just so much bullshit going on. People focused on a type of abuse that affects maybe 2 percent of the population, millions of dollars for funding that doesn't apply to most victims, best selling books written by therapists misportraying sexual abuse. I would try to tell the truth. I would be attacked. Grad students wouldn't talk to me. 'Professors would tell me to leave for other fields. I just felt disillusioned. I got this opportunity from the World Bank to do cross-cultural research on how sexual abuse is understood in Latin America. I came down to Central America, and I've stayed.'" [7]

Sarah Goode

Sarah Goode from the University of Winchester (UK), who wrote the book Understanding and Addressing Adult Sexual Attraction to Children - A study of paedophiles in contemporary society, once said in an interview: "An academic who studied paedophiles has described how she was castigated by hostile colleagues but encouraged by other academics who found her research 'excitingly naughty'. Sarah Goode, senior lecturer in health and community studies at the University of Winchester, concludes that there is no clear consensus among academics on the harmfulness of adult sexual contact with children. […] Colleagues also expressed "concerns" about the ethics of her research. She said that some of these doubts were 'a covert expression of "tabloidophobia" - a horror that the more aggressively anti-intellectual tabloid newspapers could come knocking and embarrass everyone'." [8]

Nelson Maatman

Early this year, pedophile activist Nelson Maatman spoke at the University of Amsterdam. Afterwards there was a fuss about it in the media and the University explained they made a mistake and it would not happen again, to let someone with the views Maatman has speak again on their university. Andreas Kinneging, Professor of Legal Philosophy at the University of Leiden, protested against the policy of the University of Amsterdam. He stated that controversial opinions should be a part of the student's education. That's what universities are for. [9]

Norbert de Jonge

Pedophile activist Norbert de Jonge was removed as a student from the Radboud University Nijmegen (NL). [10] He is not allowed to even set a foot on the campus again because his views are against the views of the pope. The Radboud University is a catholic university, but almost all students have viewpoints that don't stroke with the viewpoints of the pope. Think about gay rights for instance. They just had to find something so they could 'cancel' him. Later, Norbert de Jonge tried other universities but they found other excuses not to let him study there.

Anton Dautzenberg

Dutch author Anton Dautzenberg lost his job at the Tilburg University because of his membership of the Martijn Association. He became a member to show that such an organization has the right to exist and to bring some nuance in the whole 'pedophile' debate. But unfortunately, the hysteria is still winning and he in a way became a victim too because of it. Dautzenberg could no longer bear to see the witch hunt on so called pedophiles and he thought he had to do something. [11]


This is today's climate. Pedophilia is almost not allowed to be discussed freely anywhere at the moment. On the Internet, people are banned who try to do so. NAMBLA is unable for decades to organize meetings due to violence. The Martijn Association is forbidden in The Netherlands because of speaking the truth. Pedophile activists, like me, had their houses raided by the fascist police and a whole archive was taken by that scum. My husband was arrested on false charges and was in total isolation for ten weeks and more than half a year in prison (pre trial). Me and my partner suffered so much violence against our home and we get no protection at all. [12] Fascism is back and it started with the so called pedophiles as its first victims. And everyone kept silent. And they still do. It is unbelievable.

[1] Article 'Scientists found to resort to self-censorship to avoid backlash' by Julie Bell;; The Baltimore Sun; 13 February 2005 - Quote taken from on 24 July 2020
[2] Article 'Sexual fascism in progressive America' by 'PAHRIAH';; Counterpunch; 4/5 March 2006 - Quote taken from on 24 July 2020
[3] Article 'Universiteit Utrecht verkracht toch geen kinderen' by Marc van Bijsterveldt en John E. Luteijs; De Nieuwe Sekstant; Spring 1997
[4] Article 'Anti-Gay Hatefest at U of Texas, Austin' by George Williard;; Baltimore Outloud; 20 December 2019
[5] Article < Oud-docent Homostudies Gert Hekma: 'Mensen denken dat Nederland heel tolerant is, maar niets is minder waar' > by Rik Alexander;;; 19 September 2017
[6] Article 'Paedophilia research riles and titillates the academy' by Melanie Newman;; Times Higher Education; 10 September 2009
[7] Article 'Essay: The Trauma Myth - An Analysis Of The Susan Clancy Interview' by Dissident;; IPCE; 11 September 2011
[8] Same article as [6]
[9] Article 'Een pedofiel uitnodigen voor een gastcollege, kan dat?' by Tahrim Ramdjan;; Het Parool; 14 February 2020
[10] Article 'Radboud Universiteit hanteert katholieke moraal, maar niet onverkort';; Katholiek Nederland; 27 April 2007 - Taken from,_maar_niet_onverkort on 24 July 2020
[11] Article 'Zin & zonde - Anton Dautzenberg (46)' by Carolina Lo Galbo;; Vrij Nederland; 16 July 2014 - Taken from,_heb_je_echt_kans_dat_ik_doordraai_en_hem_doodsla; on 24 July 2020
[12] Article 'Home vandalization and politicians' double standards' by Marthijn Uittenbogaard;; 13 September 2017

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Or do you want to react to it? Then I hope you will get in touch.
"Wees eerlijk en laat zien wie je bent."
"Kinderen moeten veel meer zeggenschap krijgen."
"Alle zedenwetten moeten weg."
"Pedohaat heeft niets met seks te maken."
"We gaan verkeerd met seksualiteit om."
"Hoe zinniger wat je zegt, hoe bozer men wordt."
"Zonder pedofilie zou de wereld veel armer zijn."