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Speaking the truth is a crime

Marthijn Uittenbogaard

© 8 March 2022

I have been sentenced to six months in prison. I quoted murdered politician Pim Fortuyn, who said: Why not make sex between children and grow-ups legal? I wrote that I agreed with Fortuyn on this, because when you look at all the scientific studies concerning harm in pedosexual relationships, the harm seems to disappear when the relationship was wanted by the minor. This is not my OPINION, it is the conclusion of scientific papers, approved for publication in scientific magazines.

Quoting scientific facts is a crime
Quoting scientific facts is a crime

Erik van Ree, who was a teacher at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), came to the same conclusion, when he studied the harm of pedosexual relationships. Why has he not been convicted? Gert Hekma, also a retired teacher from the UvA said the same multiple times. They are not prosecuted, because they are not known as so called 'pedophiles'; a term I myself don't use for my sexual preferences.

My house was raided by the police two years ago. This house search was legal the judge said today. You can only search someone's house for crimes with an x years prison term as a maximum, so they made up sedition which has a higher maximum prison term. I am not prosecuted for sedition at all. So if you search someone's house based on murder, while that person has not committed any murder at all and there are not any serious suspicions against that person, the house search is correct, because the maximum prison term for murder allows house searches...

This whole trial is a political one just one week before election time in our country. The fascist politicians in power are abolishing all our basic human rights. In the trial against the Martijn association, the Minister of Justice was involved with the text corresponded to the media directly after the verdict. We had not been informed about the correct date of the verdict: it was one day before the date we had been told it was, but the media had been told the correct date, so they could film the whole political show, without anyone there to tell the truth.

During the Martijn trial I asked the prosecutor if I as a person could put the martijn-site online. I asked this because all I had heard was 'organization' and I was just one person. The prosecutor answered: 'Yes, why not?' Now they lie about this. Ten years ago I already said this on television, when I was a guest in a tv-show. I'm not making this up and there were witnesses in the court too. So I placed a lot, not everything, from in a wiki on and then a newspaper wrote an article about this new website. In the article the authorities said that they will closely keep an eye on my website, which was already online then. Now after more than ten years, should I have known that this was all illegal? I'm sentenced to six months in prison without even ABLE TO KNOW I did something illegal. It was of quoting science and quoting the history of politicians and the gay movement and so on about pedophilia. The fascist government of The Netherlands wants this removed, because these political parties don't want you to know their past!

I am still waiting for people, opinion makers, scientists, journalists, and so on to speak out against this witch hunt and to stand up for basic human rights. Right now The Netherlands is like Poland, Hungary, Russia and China: a dictatorship!

Legal magazines confiscated by the fascists have not been returned to me, because I had used those magazines for illegal activities: quoting texts.

Denying the Holocaust is also a crime in The Netherlands, but you can prove the Holocaust took place. I can prove that anything I have ever said can be proven with scientific articles. I have not made up anything. I did not do the research. I'm only speaking the truth. When the truth becomes a crime, you know that human rights are crushed in a terrible way, and the perpetrators know this; that's why they make it illegal to inform people about it. When I quote from a scientific article there are negative pedosexual relationships and positive ones, the prosecutor says I'm saying that positive relationships exist. When I quote someone who says he had such a positive experience, the prosecutor says I'm saying positive relationships exist. In their view they are not allowed to exist and quoting others is a crime. They are the ones who disrespect the truth.

The only allowed thing to say is 'Sieg Heil' these days, like in the 1930s. The truth is a crime. Being honest and kind and gentle is a crime. I'm concerned about human rights (for people of all ages) and I'm not even allowed to speak out on them.

Is this text I have just written illegal? No lo sé.

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Or do you want to react to it? Then I hope you will get in touch.
"Wees eerlijk en laat zien wie je bent."
"Kinderen moeten veel meer zeggenschap krijgen."
"Alle zedenwetten moeten weg."
"Pedohaat heeft niets met seks te maken."
"We gaan verkeerd met seksualiteit om."
"Hoe zinniger wat je zegt, hoe bozer men wordt."
"Zonder pedofilie zou de wereld veel armer zijn."